Talks programme

PVSZ Sustainable Fashion Talks – AW 24-25

Where Light Reaches

*Experts joining us this season:

 张文宇 |  Première Vision 深圳 项目总监
Josephine ZHANG | Première Vision SHENZHEN Project Director

张露杨 | Première Vision 中国市场 经理 
Luyang ZHANG | Première Vision Marketing Manager in China

童春佳 | 联合国开发计划署示范组织成员,SDG可持续发展联盟理事长
Amy TONG | Member of the United Nations Development Programme Demonstration Organization, SDG Chairman of the Alliance for Sustainable Development

Yufei JIANG|Director, Advocacy & Service of B Corps China

Igor BONNET |Première Vision 首席运营官
Igor BONNET  |Première Vision Chief Operations Officer

杜怡佳 |R.I.S.E.可持续时尚创新平台 创始人/Impact Hub Shanghai 合伙人
Karen DU|Founder, R.I.S.E. Sustainable Fashion Innovation
Platform Partner, Impact Hub Shanghai

童春佳 | 联合国开发计划署示范组织成员,SDG可持续发展联盟理事长
Amy TONG | Member of the United Nations Development Programme Demonstration Organization, SDG Chairman of the Alliance for Sustainable Development

苏韦仁 | 绣嘉 副总经理
Weber SU | SHOKAY Vice General Manger

张超群 | 新刻 创始人兼CEO
July ZHANG |KOSSU Founder & CEO

宋立 | 集彩工作室主理人,深圳红叶手绘扎染印花厂厂长,上海视觉艺术学院客座教授
Li SONG |Director of Jicai Studio, Director of Shenzhen Red Leaf Hand-painted Tie-dye Printing Factory, Visiting Professor of Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts

 吴建华 | 吴江市鼎盛丝绸,苏州上久楷丝绸科技文化有限公司 董事长
Jianhua WU | Chairman of Wujiang Dingsheng Silk & Suzhou Saint-joy Technology and Culture Co., Ltd

文刀米 | 时尚学者,中国时尚大奖年度最佳时装评论员获得者
Wendaomi | Fashion scholar,China Fashion Award Annual Best Fashion Commentator

张娜 | 再造衣银行与FAKE NATOO 主理人
Na ZHANG | Fouder & Creative Director of Reclothing Bank & FAKE NATOO

梁青 | 灵蛛科技 首席执行官、创始人
Qing LIANG | CEO, Founder of LINK SPIDER

陈喆炜 | 伊士曼纺织事业部  商务开发高级经理
Kevin CHEN| Senior Business Development Manager, Eastman Textiles

沈龚华 | 江苏协孚 国际商务总监
Christian SHEN |Jiangsu XIEFU, Global Sales Director

伍爱晶 |WGSN趋势专家
Olivia WU |WGSN Trend Specialist

赵倩 | 精奢商业观察 中国区副总监
Fiona ZHAO|Jing Daily Associate Director CHINA

杨晓雯 | 伊士曼纺织事业部 全球市场传播经理
Karen YANG | Marketing Communications Group Leader, Eastman Textiles

吴庆业 | 赢家时尚控股有限公司执行 副总裁
Steven Wu | Executive Vice President, EEKA Fashion Holdings Limited

陈蔚 | 香港生产力促进局 绿色生活与创新部 顾问
Cheryl CHEN | Consultant, Green Living and Innovation Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)

杨苏也 | PTBH 创始人及设计总监
Suye YANG | Founder & Design Director of PTBH

苏一格 | 可持续垂类生活方式账号“壹个袋子”,IFWAF农场动物福利人才计划成员,线下食物教育、环境教育讲师,Act4Food 食物系统转型计划中国区成员
Yige SU |Sustainable Pendant Lifestyle Account “One Bag”, Member of IFWAF Farm Animal Welfare Talent Program, Lecturer of offline food education and environmental education, Member of Act4Food Food System Transformation Program in China.

陈美婷 |可持续传播顾问/续集 创始人
Christine CHAN |Consultant of Sustainability Communication, Co-founder of Xuji

*schedule is subject to final presentation on site